Is PANADES compliant with the PBN manual?
YES as long as it is in PANS-OPS, PANADES is compliant to it.
Is PANADES compliant with the RNP-AR manual?
YES, PANADES is compliant to it.
Is PANADES fully compliant with PANS-OPS for RNAV and satellite based procedures?
“PBN type RNAV” is supported (GNSS, DME/DME sensor type).
SBAS and GBAS is also included.
We will update the software to fully comply with them.
What are the file formats for DTM data import? (.ASCII?)
JPGIS2.0 (Japanese GML format) and DTED1 (SRTM3) format are supported.
Does PANADES contains an automatic reporting tool?
PANADES exports the procedure data to the excel file.
Does your software contains a basic charting module?
Currently, charting module is under development.
Does PANADES construct the Visual Surface Segment and conduct the obstacle assessment for Localizer and other navigation aides?
PANADES has a function to draw Visual Segment Surface both for localizer (or look-alike guidance) and for normal straight in.
Is it possible to import AIXM format data (5.1) ?
YES, you can import AIXM 5.1 format data for AIP and obstacle data.
Which is the recommended screen size or number of screens for an optimized use of the tool?
19 inch’s dual display is recommended. Please also look at
What kind of support do you provide?
We provide helpdesk support by telephone and email in English.